Very good, happy to be apart of it, Needed some music though, now if you'll excuse the world cup finals are on.
Very good, happy to be apart of it, Needed some music though, now if you'll excuse the world cup finals are on.
Yea I know :'( I had to leave out the music to get it finished. This years Heritage Day is gonna be better trust me.
I wish newgrounds didn't get rid of the Bastards section, this would be perfect for that.
Meta humour at its finest.
Love a good shitpost to light the day.
Finally I can Review This One.
Fantastic work everyone, be sure to grip the straps on thight in order to prevent the awesomeness from smashing your monitor screen.
thanks ;)
i took out the straps on my all wii remote because I don't wear it and it annoying when you put it in a uDraw GameBoard and the GH controller
Thank you :)
remote goes wheeeeee
Wii all love the wii
HOW How do you kill hitler?
click/tap on him very fast
it's a lot easier on the phone (in full screen)
Got real "Getting Over It" vibes with this.
Why did you removed NG Sketchbook Tour 2009?
Was there a problem with it.
I sure hope one day we get a Dad N' Me sequel, Fuck! I want a Dad N' Me TV Show! LET IT HAPPEN!
Might be getting into the VA bizzy one day. who knows.
Host and Co-Oridinator of the Yellow Submarine Resurfaced collab.
Age 20, He/Him
Lava Lamp Alcoholic
Springfield Elementary
Joined on 2/26/15